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cybertwin 10-05-2007 07:15 AM

well am starting back at uni today for a year of 4 optional units (that arent that optional but that is another story!)
had an eventful uni summer as the ydidnt have enough tutors so we might have had to travel to winchester, which was looking forward to, but we are ok so back in basingsokte today
had been a long break
doing ict now for 5 weeks then literacy for 5 then after christmas 5 weeks of numeracy and 5 week of science then that is it for this year!!!!! woohoo
right better pack my bag, kids of to school and head for the train
hope everyone else who is studying is getting on well

Narnia 10-07-2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by cybertwin (Post 7205)
our uni teachers are really helpful, and they do give lots of advice
i was worried about the essays, been a long time since school!!! but after the first couple they do get easier as you get to know exactely what they are after, if you see what i mean

are they having an open day where you can go and ask questions? ours does and that was really useful

I am finding things really muddling........and i'm certainly not alone.....our tutor is a bit 'airy fairy' and really confuses us all, a nightmare! I seem to be doing exactly the same things, in the same order as you did, so help!! Some courses seem to be starting at different points! I have to do a bit now about outside environments...but linking it all to the theorists.....aaarrrggghhhhh:banghead:

Air 10-07-2007 06:36 PM

If you need somebody to run things by I am happy to help...I know I really appreciated the advice of 123 on the other forum when I was starting my degree:smile:

jellybaby 10-23-2007 06:42 PM

just starting!
hi guys! just starting the distance learning foundation degree, reading through all the handbooks and study skills that my tutor has sent and must admit feeling really scared!:sigh: wondering if i've done the right thing! anyone feel the same starting out?:thumbsup:

Narnia 10-24-2007 08:09 AM

Yes, yes and yes again!! My mentor came to see me on Monday though and made things a bit clearer,,,,,,,and she said she felt exactly the same when she started, so I have to persevere...and anyway, i'd have to repay the fees if I gave up...!!

Ruthierhyme 03-09-2008 07:35 PM

How goes everything with this ?

Narnia 03-20-2008 08:55 AM

ok so far, passed my first semester with fair grades,know I could have done better, but life catches me up sometimes! Bit behind with my work so far for this semester, but we're off now for a couple of weeks, so I can catch up!

bernie24 05-18-2008 08:53 PM

Hi everyone!
Reading your post has both made me nervous an excited about HOPEFULLY starting my FDA IN SEPT 08! Has or is any1 attending this course in Birmingham? my hrs would be 1-7pm i think 1 day a wk!!
Any info would be cool

Thanks xx

portchesterqueen 09-07-2008 08:23 PM

Hi, new to the forum and saw that you are starting your FDA in SEPT 08, so am i. Unfortunately not in Birmingham. But hopefully with the help and support from all these nice people we will be able to help each other.

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