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lindamgzs 11-03-2012 06:31 PM

Range of evidence - help!!
Hi everyone!

Im hoping for some advice re range of evidence required for my Level 3 Supporting TEaching & Learning in schools course. Im on Unit 2 and really struggling to find ways of answering the task with a range of evidence. I have used only text based answers, candidate reports and professional discussions to answer them so far. Cant see anywhere that i can use witness statement/ observation or reflective diary. The Unit is on Safeguarding the Wellbeing of Children and Young People - anyone got any tips or maybe im just being paranoid!!!


Honeybun 11-05-2012 12:41 PM

Hi Linda
For my unit 2 that was passed you are right, not much scope for witness statements or activities. I included as many policies from school as I could, Safeguarding policy, Child protection policy, risk assessments, Anti bullying policy, that kind of thing. There was lots of internet research and notes from the course file. I am in reception so I did an activity where we read a story and talked about stranger danger and keeping safe when playing and the teacher took a photo as I was doing it which I included. I also accompanied the class on a trip to a garden centre so included a risk assessment and reflective diary about keeping the children safe. Include any articles in the paper about internet bullying, meeting people off the internet, that sort of thing.
Hope this help and don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of what type of evidence to include.

tutu 11-05-2012 04:56 PM

this is your assessors job not yours! She is the one who needs to gather the evidence and ensure it meets the assessment criteria NOT YOU! it is your job to carry out the tasks you have been given by the tutor or assessor hers to ensure their is a full range. you have enough to worry about doing the tasks make her do her job. the cache level 3 safeguarding is a whole written unit all of it. but the assessor will find other ways in other units. lazy assessors!

Honeybun 11-05-2012 09:26 PM

We are doing a NCFE Level 3 STLS with Study House. We get two course files and thats it!!!! It's up to us to answer the questions in the units and provide all the different types of evidence, get things signed off by the teachers or mentors then sent it off to be assessed. It's sites like this that help us as when we get the course sent to us there's not much explaination.

tutu 11-05-2012 09:55 PM

omg that is appalling and i bet it cost a fortune! so you could spend ages doing something and still not know if it is right? i bet they still charge for the assessing. These private colleges are appalling blot on learning and teaching. i know some people find them convenient but i have huge doubts about them

Honeybun 11-05-2012 10:47 PM

Tell me about it!!! The first unit is a nightmare as you have no examples, no idea what sort of evidence you need and if you email the tutor (the only contact by the way) you just seem to get passages of the course introduction sent back. I am on unit 6 and got the hang of it now but it's only through forums like this and the help from others. It's a career change for me and couldn't afford to give up and study full time.
Hopefully I can pass on some help just like someone did for me :-)

I have to say that the tasks or questions are really thorough and I have really learned so much. Some of the other students don't do half as much coursework but from comments from other staff, apparently you can tell!!!

mum23ks 11-06-2012 09:25 AM

I am also doing NCFE level 3 supporting teaching and learning in schools with study house. I am on task 5 and finding it really hard going. I know that all the tasks except tasks 10 & 14 are text/essay based. However I have no idea which type of evidence to use for tasks 10 & 14.

Can anyone help?

Much appreciated.
Thank you.
Michayla x

Honeybun 11-06-2012 10:25 AM

Hi Michayla
I'm also finding hard going. Do you mean assesment five task 10 & 14.
I have just got that assessment back as a pass. For task 10 I did a candidate report saying playground squabbles, problems at home, puberty budding romances in secondary schools, dislike for the teacher, that sort of thing can affect learning. For task 14 wrote about potential problems with the activity itself, the resources, the classroom or the children themselves. I just imagined an activity where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong!
Hope this helps

mum23ks 11-06-2012 10:36 AM

Thank You
Sorry I meant unit 1 tasks 10 & 14. Apologies.

Thanks so much for your help. The word 'analyse' in task 10 seems to have thrown me and isn't sinking in. Very frustrating!

Do you email your completed assignments or post them?

Michayla x

Honeybun 11-06-2012 10:52 AM

I post my assignments as I try to include as much additional info as possible, photos, policies etc and our scanner on the blink...again!
For task 10 I did a candidate report (just an essay analysing the question) basically detailing any reasons for a delay in speech & language and what effect either late or early detection would have.
For task 14 - it's just about what you would do if a child came to you with a allegation of abuse - Keep them calm, talk to them, take notes, tell them you can't keep it a secret, Report to your child protection officer that kind of thing.
The first assignment is a learning curve as you have no one sitting next to you to say "Am I doing this right" and it seems such a faff on setting it out, font size, line spacing etc but you get used to it and it does get a little easier. As I said I would be lost without sites like this! You get used to the different terms for the types of heading as well.
Hope this helps

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