National Blood Donor's Day ~ is on wednesday 14th June 2006.
A great chance to show the children what a difference giving blood can mean to people who need it.
Have any of the children ever been to a donor session with a parent, grandparent or carer before ?
Do they have or know someone who is a doctor/nurse that you can ask about their experiences?
Explaining blood doning to the youngest children can be awkward, as describing what happens in order to take the blood from our bodies can seem scary to them ... especially if you imagine the size of plastic play syringe in the home corner's doctors kit lol
So by making sure that they know there is nothing to be afraid of .. they will be able to see the enormous benefits giving blood can have to those who require it and can chat to the nurses about it all the next time they accompany someone to a session.
A few pointers on introducing this topic...- Firstly explain how our bodies are full of blood and that by taking a little away doesn't make much of a difference to the person.
- Blood is taken by putting a small needle - which is hollow like a straw, into a vein (show the children a vein in your arm)
- The blood comes out through the needle and long tube and goes in to a special bag.
- When the bag if full The special bag which is taken to be tested, to make sure it is ok for another person to use it.
- If the donor drinks a glass of water afrterwards and then small amounts for the rest of the day the body makes more blood to replace what has been taken.
- Doctors and nurses are there to make sure everything is safe and run properly.
- Only adults can give blood because of how big they are!
People who may need someone elses blood could of ...- Been in an accident and cut themselves VERY badly ~ let them know that a small cut and a little bit of blood won't mean they will need someone elses !!
- Had an operation in a hospital and lost some blood that needs replacing.
Being a Blood donor is very special as it's a job that no one/nothing else can do !
National Blood Donor's day is an occassion when we can all say Thanks to those that give their time to help others !
Find out lots of information and where you next & nearest session is being held on the website ~