Originally Posted by button174
heya thanks for the replay.
the unit is How children learn.
Im getting there a bit more now but am still struggling, we had a bit of guidance, but with it being the first assignment i dont feel aswell as other student that it was enough.
I'm glad to hear that you have been given guidance - your tutors will give you as much guidance as they can, and you always have the option of speaking to them afterwards or asking for additional support - but these options have to be initiated by you. You will always feel that the guidance/help is never enough because everything you encounter at the moment seems alien to you; but if the tutors spent all the time giving guidance, you'd never have time for lectures etc.
Your first assignment may seem a struggle because of the uncertainty, but make sure you read everything that has been reccomended and research further by way of books, journals and the internet and keep looking at the criteria of the assignment so you don't deviate from the subject.
I expect you know all this (and more) but you may feel with new university study it appears to go out of your head as soon as you've left the building - but you won't be the only one feeling like that.
As soon as you have handed in your first assignment and got it back, you'll be feeling a lot better and a little more confident about your second assignment.
Good Luck.