how to support children's development from 7 to 12 years:
this is the most exciting time in their lives. they are likely to start school and gain some independence. is an area where they start making friends and develop on their own interest and also learn new skills. as a practitioner, this how we can help:
provide a safe, secure and encouraging environment because at this age, they need to be safe ans secure which helps them to play freely and enjoy learning. they also need chance to play indoors and outdoors which will allow them to gain more freedom and independence and also able to gain more confidence and use their skills.
by doing so, equipments needs to be check, there should be good supervision and also being aware of dangers such as strangers, animals and litter. they also need adult around them to prasie and support them in trying new skills and activities.
i hope this little would help. would be able to give more contributions towards this tomorrow around this time.