Hi, a warm welcome to silkysteps, effective communication builds positive reslationships which involves trust, honesty, respect, cooperation, politeness, consideration and enables everyone to have high expectations for each other.
Tda 2.3 Communication and Professional Relationships
This chapter from PearsonFE may help, it's for
TDA 2.7 which is promoting positive behaviour it shows - on page 134 how your behaviour could promote effective interaction that supports positive behaviour and a true interest in exploring environments that leads to discovery and learning ..
Being a positive role model
Show respect
Value efforts
Use praise genuinely
Oraganise the environment
Intervene calmly
Set boundaries
Give simple explanations or alternative way of saying the same thing
If you look at the opposites to these you'll see interactions are not at all effective ..
Ignoring children - prevent you hearing and seeing what they want and are doing
Using inappropriate language around them
Criticise, tease, belittle or disregard efforts
Communicating effectively will vary depending on age, the very different personalities in a group of children and adult colleagues. Each may have different ideas and interpret information differently which can cause barriers to effective interaction.
Knowing when and what information to share is also important in effective interactions. Making sure confidentiality isn't breached, trust broken and for you to feel confident that you're able to protect and safeguard the children in your care.
Communication needs:
Younger than 2 years Vocabulary is limited. Communicating mainly through body language and by reading facial expressions.
2–3 years Starting to copy adults, learning more words and gaining confidence.
3–4 years Starting to string words together and may be using questions.
4–8 years Using language to build relationships. Developing reading and writing skills.
8–16 years Developing discussion and negotiation skills. More confident and using more complex language.
Adults Can communicate using complex language. Able to use verbal and non-verbal communication.
Level 2 certificate handbook
Hth, enjoy the site