Teddy Bear Picnics in your play room /front room or garden !!
This is a great activity to encourage the children to bring in their loved teddies/dolls and a chance for them to play with them at home.
Even if it's a wet day - you can drape a large sheet over a table to create a den for the children to play in.
Spread out a large rug on the floor and 'lay the table'
In true tea party tradition... have a pile of cushions the children can lounge about it ... a sturdy tray and small cups, plates & bowls with a selection of small treats......
Dolly mixture, Jelly babies/beans, mini marshmallows, small chocolates
Triangle brown & white sandwiches with some grapes, banana & apple slices!
Have some squash or water in a manageable jug with cups for the children to serve themselves & their teddies and dolls!
Weeping Willow picnic colouring picture
Outdoor Scavenger hunt
What other Teddy Bear picnic activities do you do?