Wasps and their rafter nest home!
What does a wasp nest look like ?
This nest is made from wood, chewed and mixed with wasp saliva to form a paper mache substance and was built in the recesses of a beamed loft.
What do wasps like
Wasps are attracted to sugary substances. See if wasps can be found eating an apple core in the playground or an ice lolly in the garden.
What do wasps look like ?
The photograph below shows a German wasp, it has very bold black makings on its back .. almost like arrows pointing down to the sting !
German wasps build paper nests in burrows underground - source Wikipedia.
It's possible children will encounter this variety of wasp through their explorative, ground level play.
Stings & hives
Acid or alkaline?from InsectStings.co.uk
NHS anaphylactic shock
Bees for kids from the British Bee Keeping Association