This is a really cute book
Leaf Trouble, written by Jonathan Emmett and illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church, looks at how deciduous trees rest during the winter, shedding their leaves at the begining and throughout autumn time. With mum squirrel's help she explains to a concerned Pip and Bloosom Squirrel how their once familiar tree will look the same again and start to grow new leaves once the spring arrives.
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The book will help to cover many topics for autumn & fall.
- The colours mentioned are red, green, yellow and orange - brown features on nearly all the beautifully illustrated pages.
- Time of day - sunset and also gives an understanding of duration - gone for a while & take longer to come back.
- Seasons, summer, spring and autumn.
- Squirrels and habitats - oak tree, twig, leaves and branch.
- Inclusion of the woodland floor can open up additional ideas for activities & role play - bouncy squirrles mini topic is available from the store.
- Positional and directional language is used along with opportunities for counting - first, second, third... and hundreds.
- Conservation is addressed as the squirrels act on their wanting to save the tree and its falling leaves - creativity is supported as they try to repair it by re-attaching the leaves.
- Explores 'to collect and gather, compare and contrast which will assist extension activities for matching, sorting and recognition.
- Examines a gust of wind and what it can mean as a force.
- Demonstates how Mum squirrel - as a significant presence, provides reassurance and support as the squirrels come to know how trees, seasons and leaf fall works ..
- Autumn leaf color from wikipedia
Back cover blurb
Activity ideas:
- Autumnal coloured, painted hand prints.
- Collecting fallen and falling leaves - nets, hands and T towels/large white hankies
- With supervision where needed use small fans to blow tissue leaves for collection and chasing.
- Stencil around real and template leaves.
- Cut leaf shapes notelets for free mark making activities.
- Use a barrel for a leaf dip - hide role play creatures and goodies for finding.
- With twine and safety checked needles string leaves for garlands and doorway curtains.
- Look at compost heaps and soil for planting acorns.
More ideas in the
main autumn & fall forum
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