I need some pay advice!
Hello all,
Hoping someone will be able to give me some advice.
So my situation is….
I am employed at a school as a classroom assistant. I have worked there for 7 years. I have completed my nvq2 & 3 (a qualified nursery nurse now) and also have a certificate in early years practice from studying at the open university which is equilvant to a level 4. I work along side teaching assistants and nursery nurses my daily tasks are no different to theres apart from the hours they work. I do the same jobs as them but only work 25 hours. I have also covered classes for ppa time.
My question is this. I doubt my employer would ever promote me to nursery nurse so what is the difference between a teaching assistant and a classroom assistant. Is it more pay?
Like i say I have worked there for 7 years and feel like I have achieved nothing in that time.
To add to this I have recently started the foundation degree in early years
Thank you for reading