Originally Posted by DizzyDora
In our setting Mobile phone is for sole use of setting. I have to use my own camera as the setting can't afford one. i have to print the photos at home but they are deleted straight away and i don't store them on my hard drive
You have no idea how great it is to hear what everyone does for their setting
I'm not in this position so my apologies if any of the following is felt as inappropriate. As a manager I'd be looking to safeguard staff as much as Children and possibly be asking their permission to look at what registering a private address with the data protection agency involved/checking with the police / local EY's. Name them officially within policies & procedures as a data controller/processor of digital media and add it to a list of professional role responsibilities. Your equipment, home and family are exposed to a much higher risk of suspicion should any allegation or query ever be made so risk assessing/auditing the whole process as described is another area for consideration. A laptop/printer and setting owned digi camera would leap to the top of the fundraising causes and once in place I would be asking the staff member very very nicely if they'd consider continuing with organising everything.
Whether a member's address is data registered, exempt or not, I'm not sure how at risk their own, personally owned equipment is if the setting owned pieces travelled with risk assessment between work and home for further administration.
Pages 19 & 20 of the
ICO's notification exemptions - self assessment_guide is good.