It absolutely sends my life bonkers! This week I've got 1x16, 1x14, 1x13, 1x11, 1x8, 1x3 and 1x2....I can't get all the children in the car... the younger ones get under the older ones feet... the older ones winge they're bored... the younger ones miss their routines and turn into winging wrecks copying the older ones... at least one always has a nasty cold which I know I'm going to have by next week... older ones get out toys little ones can't use and crying ensues... little ones leave dolls and trains in strategic places ready to trip older ones... the house turns into a pig sty by 10am... someone always forgets to put the stair gate on... older ones going in and out set off the security alarm on the back door and I'll have to buy new batteries next week... my paperwork gets covered in pen left out by 14 year old... 16 year old refuses to do homework and sulks... 13 year old says can only do homework with computer and has to do it now and kicks 11 year old off (fight ensues)... 2 year old just hit terrible 2s and tantrums for effect... 3 year old copies to see if anyone notices...
Wouldn't do any other job though! Cos when the 16 yr old is out with friends, the 13 and 2 year old are watching 'Come outside' together, the 14 year old is up in one of the bedrooms on his psp, the 11 yr old is out with his mate in the garden playing football, the 8 year old has discovered the magnetix and is making a volcano and I'm making valentines heart biscuits with the 3 year old it's the best job in the whole wide world!!!!
Sarah x