Hi there
Sorry I took so long in replying, but this how it went.
I went into work with the relevant information and questions to ask my manager.....she agreed and knew what I was saying and were I was coming from.
My manager said she felt that the lady just didn't have staff interest at heart, as she didn't understand all the hard work we do.(the lady in question would like it to be run as her own business).
I feel like I'm being really unkind to this person, because she means well, but she's so quick to point out what hours we get paid, days off etc... And I'm not a person to say "well I did this or that" but as many will know we all do extra hours without pay, searching for things that will help the
children anyway thanks again for all your help, you made me sound like I knew what I was on about. (know I do)
It's half term so hopefully I can recharge by batteries