£120,000 per year cut to our budget from London Councils funding. As a result LVSC will no longer be able to provide support to children & young people's groups. In particular the work we have done specifically with groups working on improving education of the most disadvantaged children in London and those working to reduce children and young people's engagment in crime and gangs will have to stop. Our capacity to engage in policy work around children and young people's issues will be greatly reduced - this at a time when child poverty remians greater in London than in any other region and is expected to increase.For LVSC it means the loss of a further 2.5 FTE staff members and the reduction of a full-time core post to two days per week, plus the need for us to move to new less costly premises, to keep reduce the % of our income spent on core costs, which obviously increases as frontline services are lost. This leaves the groups we work with without the huge amount of expertise that those staff leaving had built up over the years, working on what were evaluated as successful, well-praised and money-saving support services
From Voluntarysectorcuts.org.uk - please click to view more.....