Hi, 6 sunken paving stones could help make a small hardstanding area for a play tray, stage floor or chalking surface. Large planters could hold woodchips, sand, soil or other mediums for digging & transporting. A hand water pump -
pitcher fixed to a barrell provides lots of scope for play - funnels, hose, pipes & guttering. Tubs or a wooden chest maybe with flowers, windmills,
gems/glass pebbles for collecting. Tunnel with water resistant torches -
hand and
head bring an ICT quality to outdoor play. A trellis or small cargo net for items be hung on, draped and dress.
Cherry bloosom apple or weeping willow tree?
It'll depend on the age of your children. If the setting feels strongly enough about adding extra or new features maybe get together for fundraising & action planning?
Hth xx