Hi, the review a review process helps you to identify and then support the ways that you're currently managing something
for this criteria it's a setting's safeguarding policy/ies & procedures, where, from there you can develop what you're doing to ensure all your policies & procedures continue to be fit for purpose ie. that they safeguard your children to the best of everyone's knowledge, meet statutory obligations, recognise how & who to contact outside of and inside the setting, adhere to local and national guidance if appropriate and reflect the setting's own needs where it takes a child-centered approach to its overall provision xx
MU 5.4 unit from OCR
Policies and procedures required for safeguarding may include:
Listening to children and young people
Sharing concerns and recording/ reporting incidents
Dealing with allegations
Duty of care
Propriety and behaviour
Physical contact/ Intimate personal care
Off site visits
Photography and video
Timely and accurate information sharing
Partnership working
In England
the EYFS 2012 framework supplies the required information as to what a safeguarding policy and its associated procedures should contain.
What you're then looking at is to make sure the way you organise fulfilment of those statements works most effectively .. this recognises how everyone's time is most valuable
Who is the setting's designated safeguarding officer?
Does everyone know how to use mobile phones and cameras in accordance with the setting's safeguarding policy.
What reporting procedures are listed in the policy - are contact details updated and checked so that they remain current and relevant.
Does everyone know how to share concerns and who to talk to when needed.
What reporting procedures are there in the policy that deals with a situation where an allegation is made against a staff member.
What reporting procedures are there in place to notify agencies with statutory responsibilities about concerns regarding alleged or suspected abuse to children
What training opportunities are provided for safeguarding and child protection -
taking disclosures seriously, responding to significant changes in behaviour, recognising signs and symptoms of abuse and unexplained bruising, deterioration of a child's general well-being, existing knowledge of life outside of the setting and possible situations of abuse, neglect. Has there or is there concern where excessive one-to-one attention, beyond the requirements of a colleagues usual role and responsibilities occurs, this would include professional knowledge of attachment theory, or concern regarding the inappropriate sharing of images, language or behaviours displayed by staff members.
How are you notified to new publications, inquires, SCR outcomes, changes to others advice and how you accomodate the possible impact that might have on your policies.
This link is to the
level 3 extended diploma book. If you search for 'review process' pages 68, 69 & 70 help to look at knowing, implemeting and amending policies.
Hth xx