In case you were wondering...
The Colossus of Helios. Rhodes. Built in 280 BC. The word ‘colossal’ derives from this.
The Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt. Believed to have been built around 26 BC. Only surviving ‘Wonder’.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq. Possibly built around 6oo BC. and perhaps never existed.
The Pharos Lighthouse. Alexandria, Egypt. Built in 28o BC.
The Statue of Zeus/Jupiter. Olympia, Greece. Built in 433 BC.
The Temple of Diana/Artemis. Ephesus, Turkey. Built in 560 BC. It was the largest temple of classical times.
The Tomb of King Mausoleus. Halicarnassus, Turkey. Built in 353 BC. The word name ‘mausoleum’ derives from this.
So now you know.