small group planning sheet
I have devised my own small group planning sheet based on 6 areas of learning and the possible outcomes from each (in NI so this is what we work with). At the top I have the idea or concept I am wanting to put across, then below that the resources I will use to achieve this idea. So for instance I wanted to extend our large group nursery rhymes to include a new individual finger puppet for each child on Humpty Dumpty. We created our own cut outs using the oval shape and children attached hands, eyes, mouth and nose as well as the wall he sat on.
Question I want to ask is this ... is it normal to have a planning sheet for this type of small group activity. Obviously not every day will be a craft activity, it might be a simple thing like talking about Easter and recording what the children are saying so a planning sheet will not be necessary as it will be our job to listen and take note of who says what then develop it further.
I would do a planning sheet on a monthly basis around the children's interests and also have a long term plan but this group activity is something I want to plan on say once a week basis or maybe more.