Hi, barriers include different opinions, misunderstanding, poor communication skills.
page 256 and then page 274 looks at times when partnerships with parents and carers can be difficult eg.
- breakdown in communication due to a disagreement with regard to the care of a child such as a lack of boundaries
- home language or culture may make communication difficult to sustain for example where women from a culture does not leave the family home
- child is exposed to inappropriate caring and has to be placed on a child protection or children in need plan
- consent is refused for a child to be assessed through CAF and the adult's opinion is overridden
- the family has a chaotic lifestyle due to drug or other substance abuse
- parents have their own learning needs
- a parent actively avoids contact with professionals perhaps because of a family situation caused by poverty or abuse
- the home situation involves separation, divorce
- parents are vulnerable
- parents lack parenting skills
- working parents do not communicate with the setting
Hope this helps
Best wishes