Hi, welcome to the site. Without knowing what you've written you may find the following of use.
From the verbs thread:
Justify Give a satisfactory explanation for actions or decisions
So consider why promoting well being and resilience is important for safeguarding children and young people - for them to be assertive, confident to speak out, disclose information to others -
positive relationships, so they'll know what to do in times of danger, who to ask for help, advice and guidance, they'll be able to look at choices and make informed decisions that benefit the success of their health, lives and in due course those around them.
Search inside your home nation's early years framework to see what it says about resilience and well-being and your settings policies and procedures to see what they explain.
Quote from CYP3.3 Understand how to safeguard the well-being of children and young people:
page 128 of the Heinemann level 3 CYPW handbook 2011
Supporting resilience in children and young people
Resilience is the ability to deal with the ups and downs of life, and is based on self-esteem. The more resilient a child is, the better they will deal with life as they grow and develop into adulthood.
Many factors can affect a child's resilience
- secure early attachments
- confidence of being loved by family and friends
- good sense of self identity
- ability to act independently
- confidence to try new things
Explanation of safeguarding on safenetwork.org.uk
It's stark evidence, and is taken from page 5 of
Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing. A whole school and college approach 2015
In an average class of 30 15 year old pupils:
three could have a mental disorder
ten are likely to have witnessed their parents separate
one could have experienced the death of a parent
seven are likely to have been bullied
six may be self harming
Consider how your work, if it's with younger children involves supporting children who are quite likely to be living through the experiences that lead up to these statistics.
Keeping children safe in education 2015 on gov.uk
and maybe
test your own well-being on the NHS website!
Hope this helps a little xx