This closes on the 19th October - they desperately want Childminders views. Please pass on to all the childminders you know.
The more we can say, the more chance we'll have of being listened to.
NCMA suggests that we may need to consider the following issues:
The need to make quality, affordable childcare available to all with a range of providers including home based
Funding must be made available for registered childminders and nannoes to access training, particuarly towards a recognised level 3
Training courses should be flexible
The priority of the local and national government should be to work the private and voluntary (PVI) sector providers to ensure that they meet demand raht er than substitiuting the PVI sector by direct maintained provision.
Also let the know you personal experience of matters:
Ofsted inspections
tax credits and voucher system
childrens centers
extended schools
general view of quality childcare how it plays a part in producing good outcomes for children
Any issues you feel strongly about