Hi I've been doing something similar for each child for about a year, but I've kind of combined them with the progress reports etc and divided them up into the 6 areas of learning, put all photos, observations, examples of work etc under relevant headings. The children see them and add to them themselves whenever they want to, Parents are free to borrow them to show to the relatives etc whenever they want and take them home when they are filled or the child leaves. I do a talk through with Parents showing them their childs book and use it as an opportunity to discuss their child's development, changing needs, interests etc approximately every 6 months, one mum [a teacher] asked if I could do this every 3 months so I'm aiming for this , haven't quite got there yet! The Ofsted Inspector really liked this idea and its lovely to give, but it is time consuming and as a childminder I don't have as many to do but an "unappreciative" parent was really amazed when she saw how much her child had done with me in her book and that makes it all worthwhile.