Hi Linda
I am also doing this course and just about to finish assessment five.
Firstly get "
Supporting teaching and learning in schools" by Louise Burnham. You can get either primary or secondary. I couldn't manage without it.
The questions are pretty much the same as in the file you get.
I was the same when the course files arrived but once you've sent off your frist assignment, had it marked and sent back, you get the hang of it.
I include as much evidence as i can. You can't just answer the questions. Some you can but try to include a variety of evidence. Copies of policies, pictures of you doing activities with the children, examples of work that relate to a question eg Task 6 in assessment one. One child was struggling, possibly on the autistic spectum so i included a professional discussion with the teacher about him and an IEP and copies of some of his work.
You'll get the hang of it. The first one is the worst as there is no one to tell you if you are doing it right or wrong.
Hope this helps