Hiya, you'll find that if you start collecting ideas and suggetions and documenting them they will begin to start forming a separate scheme of planning, possibly ending up looking like long term planning/practice guidance where you'll be able to refer to its information as reference or prompts on a rolling basis - ongoing/whenever needed.
Any planning should fit or integrate with what's already in place, so although the planning would be separate in that you'll be providing and keeping it electronically/on paper it can still be part of the main planning process.
Title it outdoor play or planning outdoor games and activities?
Include a section that enables you to adapt an idea so that it can be used indoors and the same in reverse ie: the indoor games that you've adapted to play outside .. add sources of information so that you can follow up on any news or developments, integrate any learning that you receive from training and if possible link it to the play areas you have available - a sand pit, flower gardens, veggie plots, grassed, hard standing .. if you link loosely you'll be able to lift the games and activity ideas and use/apply them differently should your environment or place of work ever change - eg. for yourself, focus on the list of activities & games and the opportunities they have for children's development and learning rather than where they'll be used, share this information with colleagues for their input on how to put all the ideas into practice ..
This is how subject coordinators can achieve a role or specialise in a setting
hope you have fun with it xx