Hi, this is based on what happens in your specific setting.
Consider the resources that the teracher asks you to use with children - maybe a whiteboard, laptops, computers, what the seating arrangements are, turn taking if any, keyboards, digital pens, handheld devices eg ipad, amazon
kindle, Tesco hudl, directional toys
and all the programmes that these might have installed.
In order to meet needs, how do you already know what children's learning needs are in the subject of ICT?
Examples might be if any children have time limited access that means you adapt the schedule to ensure their inclusion & participation. Height of seats can hinder children's comfort, health & safety knowledge for using IT equipment eg. do taller children require tilting monitors & height adjustable chairs in your setting?
Then think about any skill levels in the programmes that support and extend children's learning - do you change/differentiate the level of challenge so that learning isn't either too difficult or too easy.
Hth xx