A children's story for november 5th, bonfire or firework night.
A new 29 page craft eBook has launched in the store - £4.25 it introduce children to the reasons of firework day, Guy Fawkes and the 1605 gunpowder plot, bonfires, arranged displays and hedgehog awareness.
Pricklebur hedgehog's November the 5th contains a 6 page printable story, 3 firework crafts, 4 activity sheets and the freely available
Houses of Parliament picture, a sparkler rhyme card, craft naming labels, notelets, handmade playdough recipe, hedgehog tummy images and an outline template for collage.
The activity sheets focus, one on scissor use to make prickly spines, one for finger tracing through a leafy maze game, sparkler dot joining, noisy firework words to cut, paste and say/shout/whisper .. and the very basic houses of parliament picture to act as a lower page building focus as the sky area is filled with own choice explosions .. toothbrush splatter painting maybe?
For further information:
Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot from Parliament.uk
And from Yorkshire fireworks -
Remember remember the fith of November - modern and traditional.
Westminster image source - wikipedia (c) Arpingstone
Houses of Parliament outline template
Report your hedgehog sightings on
hogwatch.co.uk and collect leaves from outdoors to use with small world hedgehog figures - Amazon:
hedgehog pups and
The gunpowder guy storybook by Stewart Ross
Where it's felt appropriate amend the book to reflect the name of King James the 1st and have knowledge of why Guido Fawkes wanted to blow up parliament through the conflict of Protestant and Catholic beliefs.
Add a
laminated illustrated guide of Westminster to block and sand/soil play: Build walls of houses, towers and chambers. Include
lametta foil and glitter to the sand/soil, leaves and hedgehog figures linking themes of learning to fireworks, parliament and hedgehog/wildlife safety.
Composting garden waste -
shredding for compost from amazon
Bonfire emissions and a
2006 news article from Edie.net, information from
Walthamforest.gov.uk - Bonfires and from
Direct.gov.uk air pollution
Organising a firework display from the HSE
Firework safety website -
safer fireworks.com
Chat about not touching fireworks
Not touching matches / live flames
Keeping a safe distance
How sparklers are recommended for children aged 5 years and older and how crafted sparklers ensure youngest children are included in all celebrations.
Have a safe and very enjoyable evening