Hiya, I'd look more specifically at this ..
Maybe make up an agenda to help ensure all the necessities are covered ..
1. Members present & apologies
2. Welcome and introductions.
3. Minutes from previous meeting read & agreed.
4. Action points & matters arising ..
5. For purpose of NVQ 4:
5a. work with colleagues to identify their development needs
Training and awareness
Guidance on best way to proceed with activities & interaction with Children.
Take along, or ideally distribute beforehand any local training literature, leaflets from Eys dept, LA ..
Find out feedback and thoughts at the meeting, chat about information there & then, or arrange another date to explore ideas ..
5b. Identify opportunities and share information about continuous professional development
To help open this up for discussion, you could ask if anyone has any concerns with current provision or areas of responsibility. If they maybe feel they would like to experience other roles or possibly benefit from having access to additional information: H&S, Food, Hygiene, First aid, Children's development, resources.
If anyone has heard of training or workshop opportunities they'd be interested to find out more about.
5c. Arrange regular opportunties for exchanging information
Reinforcing open door policy.
Let everyone know when the next staff meeting is - ensure everyone knows that notes, feedback, incidents & items to be discussed can be submitted to a suggestions box or passed on directly at any time - subject to 'times which are conveninent' - documenting them so as not to be forgotten would be an individual preference.
When newsletter deadlines are - for information submission.
Letting staff know when you are in - for chatting & passing on information. Where you'll be - office, playroom ..
How you can be reached - telephone landline, mobile - call / text, email ..
5d. Help colleagues keep up to date with issues relating to the health, safeguarding and well-being,
Managerial responsibilities can be to share information you've recieved from other agencies, professionals & where appropriate parent/carers.
In regards to how you do things, what you provide, complying with regulation, implementing new recomendations.
To back this up maybe pop down to your local surgery and see what leaflets they have, if the information relates to the U3's age group maybe highlight it and use to keep everyone upto date / ask opinion on ..
Working in partnership can also be to use background information, ideally before the meeting, maybe see what members have access to, eg: new parents/grandparents may be more upto date with parenting issues of under 3s - utillise this by asking if they have any information or guidance that they can bring to the meeting - either as their own question or in answer to anothers question. and ask if they have they identified any areas of your provision that can be bettered. Staff members that have ongoing / recent experience of disability, illness may have ideas on how to build on what's already being done ..
Routes all this may take: TV, radio, magazine articles, news reports, experiences of others, marketing materials/posters & shop product information, recommendations via professionals - Health visitor, visit to the doctors ..
6. AOB - any other business
7. Date, time and place of next meeting
Not sure what unit this is so hopefully it isn't all too off track, hope it helps a little.
Let us know how it goes