Originally Posted by sarahnev707
Childcare theorists, Government initiatives and well-meaning 'experts' full of advice come and go but the ongoing needs of children remain the same; it is only by working closely with children and by listening to what they have to say that anyone can hope to fulfil their needs and it is only by making mistakes and trying our best that we can prepare this generation to tackle needs of the next
That is a perfect answer to natural insight and all round balance .. for some though it can be harder associating their practice to theory and being able to evaluate things that occur in daily life.
With my sadly poor knowledge of theorists, the one thing I have gleaned is that they can provide reasons to actions and sign posts to solutions.
Finding a direction that you can implement by researching theory is adding weight to your own self confidence & development .. government initiative could one day be given its own category of theory, what rate of pay would you give those that had to index it