On the assumption that you are not on your own with 32 children having lunch, what works where I am is to have small groups, each with a teacher assisting. Quiet music in the background may calm the atmosphere or if you have music currently maybe switch it off. Our children bring a packed lunch system so are not dealing with hot food.
I would mix the ages, so hopefully older children who may settle quicker may act as a role model for the younger ones. Do you have 'helpers' on the table who can set the tables etc to give them a feeling of responsibility and control? Discussing the day's menu during the morning if its food prepared by the setting can give the children a sense of anticipation of what's coming next and gentling reminding them during that time of what behaviour is expected of them, eg sitting at the table, using their cutlery and manners. During the meal, encouraging the children to talk about what they are eating, what they did that morning to focus attention around the table in a positive way could help too.
Remember, some families may not have 'sit down' meals at home with their families and this can be a totally new experience for them.
I wish you luck. Sam