I was just wondering if anyone working in a hospital in in the community ect has had much to do with children who have been newly diagnosed with diabetes?.
In our ward the child see's a lot of diferent proffessionals consultant diabetes peadatricrian,dietician,and our link nurse for diabeties and also the nurse looking after the child,they all teach the children and the parents/carers what they need to know. What I have found is that both the children and the parents/carers get a sort of information overload
as it is quite a stressful and often upsetting time for everyone involved. So I disscussed the possibility of having a sort of "fun pack" for the children to use whilst they are recovering in hospital to help make the learning fun and a little less overwhelming. I was thinking links to relevant websites colouring pages handy hints and tips fo lifestyle ect. I was just wondering if anyone else had something similiar in place in their setting? I would be interested in hearing from you!