Hi , sorry for the delay in replying.
This case study is from page 118 of the
older level 3 NVQ Teaching Assistant handbook, it aims to have you explore, and acknowledge the different ways that everyone works, the situations of colleagues that could affect their pratice and how to tackle those problems professionally.
To help, think about your school and what would happen if you were Mandy and one of your colleagues were Romena. Confidentiality means the information about Romena's son being in hospital wouldn't be made public unless Romena told people directly. However, you could expect to be told, or to find information that had been updated eg. on the playgound duty board, showing how cover had been arranged.
How are playground duties organised in your school?
Are you expected to check the rota to make sure you know about any changes?
As Romena has already been absent for one duty, would you be more aware that there could be a problem and ask beforehand?
Who would you talk to about the situation if Romena wasn't able to cover her playground duties in the future?
Hope this helps xx