Level 3 Diploma EYE NVQLevel 3 support for: NVQ Children's Care, Learning and Development, Diploma for the Children and Young People's Workforce, England's Early years Educator qualification
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I need to explain the sequence and rate of communication development
I am stuck on 7-19 years. I have found all the other areas of development quite easily, but this one is driving me mad.
They begin to tell jokes (often using gestures while communicating.
Verbal arguments.
They understand more complex rules.
They will talk confidently with peers and adults.
They will use grammer correctly
They can follow written and verbal instructions
They make writing imaginative and interesting
11 – 13 Years.
Enjoys writing stories to show their imagination.
Persuading/negotiating between adults/peers/ friends.
They can carry out tasks without adults.
They are able to solve problems.
They can communicate confidently.
13 – 19 Years.
They understand what society expects of them/you.
They use computers and phones to communicate with friends
Uses telephones or mobiles to communicate.
They can select appropriate and effect vocabulary
They are writing neater and joined up
They listen effectively to others
They are able to vote for the first time