Originally Posted by Afsari
pls help
k2p53 and k2p52
the strength and wekness of you practise
the effect of your background and experience on your practise
The strength and weakness of your practise is how you carry out your work as opposed to how the settings 'practice' is followed.
So how do you go about your work?
What strengths do you bring to your job when practising it?
You may love art and this may show in your enthusiasm when you are working with children in the creative area or you may like reading to stories to the children.
Your weakness may be something you do not feel so confident doing - such as speaking to the children's parents, or you may not feel so confident in expressing your feelings at staff meetings etc.
Only you will know what your strengths and weakness are and why.
How do you think your background ( who you are, where you come from ,your own religion and beliefs ) and your experience ( how long you have been working with children if at all, how you feel adults treated you when you were younger - whether you felt they listened or not, whatever you have experienced in your life) - what influence will your background and experience have in your job?
There may well be pros and cons, it may well colour your judgement, such as you may have been brought up in a household where there was routine and structure and you had a set bedtime or you may have had parents that had very different ideas - such as believing a child will go to bed when they are tired, not when an adult tells them they are tired. Your upbringing will seem perfectly normal to you - it is what you know - so do you think how your parents/family unit/boarding school upbringing will affect how you see life and how you judge/treat/understand others?
The correct answer will be your own personal answers to these questions.