Hi, I hope this helps
1.2 might be in discussion with your assessor as it's a 'describe'
You response to the criteria will be based on your knowledge of standards and how they guide/impact on your daily practice. Depending on your home nation & type of setting this could involve the EYFS if in England and the NOS if providing a service for children's care, learning and development. The SEN code of practice might also be relevant reading.
5.1 may also be in discussion & will use your knowledge of the
Equality act 2010 current legislation impacts on work by making sure professionals are aware it is against the law the discriminate against anyone on the grounds of sexuality, gender, race, religion, age, disability.
5.2 is about examples you know happen/have identified in your setting. This could be how you share information about the setting's policies and procedures making sure everyone is aware of the setting's legal obligations towards equality, equal opportunity, anti-bias & anti-discriminatory practice, challenging discrimination and welcoming diversity.
Is training or meetings that focus on this effective at helping everyone understand the importance of awareness, access and participation for all?
Do you have resouces such as toys, activities & planning that celebrates a variety of interests based on children & families traditions, worldwide events & accomplishments or contributions from individuals.
Is gender and family structure looked at and supported
Is the setting inside & outside checked over to make sure all areas are accessible to all children?
Does the setting support care routines equally - are there facilities to change children in nappies and those using the toilet. Can all children reach sinks & taps for handwashing.
Promote equality and inclusion - google search
Best wishes